//"Game Over" module
#include "ff7.h"
int D_007BA668 = 0xff;//fade out alpha
const char *D_007BA670[] = {
const char *D_007BA688[] = {
struct t_dx_sfx_e0 *D_009A0550[6];
struct t_dx_sfx_e0 *D_009A0568[2];
struct t_dx_sfx_e0 *D_009A0570;
int D_009A0574;//viewport:height
int D_009A0578;
int D_009A057C;//viewport:left
int D_009A0580;//viewport:width
int D_009A0584;//fade out flag
int D_009A0588;//viewport:top
int D_009A058C;//fade in flag
int D_009A0590;//fade in alpha
//set picture alpha(fade in/out)?
void C_00404E00(unsigned char bp08) {
struct {
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_6[4];
float local_2;
tRGBA local_1;
lolo.local_1.c.b = lolo.local_1.c.g = lolo.local_1.c.r = 0;
lolo.local_1.c.a = bp08;
lolo.local_2 = 0;
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0570)) {
D_009A0570->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_6,
(float)D_009A057C, (float)D_009A0588, (float)D_009A0580, (float)D_009A0574,
lolo.local_2, 1.0f,
lolo.local_1.rgba, 0xff000000
//image[gr mode 0]
void C_00404F83() {
struct {
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_13[4];
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_9[4];
float tex_height;//local_5
float tex_width;//local_4
float tex_v;//local_3
float tex_u;//local_2
float local_1;
lolo.tex_u = 0.0f;
lolo.tex_v = 0.0f;
lolo.tex_width = 1.0f;
lolo.tex_height = (216.0f/256.0f);//0.84375f
lolo.local_1 = 0.01f;
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0568[0])) {
D_009A0568[0]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_9,
16.0f, 12.0f, 256.f, 216.0f,
lolo.local_1, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0568[1])) {
D_009A0568[1]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_13,
272.0f, 12.0f, 32.f, 216.0f,
lolo.local_1, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
//image[gr mode 1]
void C_004052C8() {
struct {
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_13[4];
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_9[4];
float tex_height;//local_5
float tex_width;//local_4
float tex_v;//local_3
float tex_u;//local_2
float local_1;
lolo.tex_u = 0.0f;
lolo.tex_v = 0.0f;
lolo.tex_width = 1.0f;
lolo.tex_height = (216.0f/256.0f);//0.84375f
lolo.local_1 = 0.01f;
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0568[0])) {
D_009A0568[0]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_9,
176.0f, 132.0f, 256.f, 216.0f,
lolo.local_1, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0568[1])) {
D_009A0568[1]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_13,
432.0f, 132.0f, 32.0f, 216.0f,
lolo.local_1, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
//image[gr mode 2]
void C_0040560D() {
struct {
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_31[4];
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_27[4];
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_23[4];
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_19[4];
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_15[4];
struct t_dx_rend_vertex_20 *local_11[4];
float tex_height;//local_7
float tex_width;//local_6
float tex_v;//local_5
float tex_u;//local_4
float local_3;
int local_2;
int local_1;
lolo.local_2 = 0x18;
lolo.local_1 = 0x20;
lolo.tex_u = 0.0f;
lolo.tex_v = 0.0f;
lolo.tex_width = 1.0f;
lolo.tex_height = 1.0f;
lolo.local_3 = 0.01f;
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0550[0])) {
D_009A0550[0]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_11,
(float)lolo.local_1, (float)lolo.local_2, 256.f, 256.0f,
lolo.local_3, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0550[1])) {
D_009A0550[1]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_15,
(float)lolo.local_1 + 256.f, (float)lolo.local_2, 256.0f, 256.0f,
lolo.local_3, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0550[2])) {
D_009A0550[2]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_19,
(float)lolo.local_1 + 256.f + 256.0f, (float)lolo.local_2, 64.0f, 256.0f,
lolo.local_3, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
lolo.tex_height = (176.0f/256.0f);//0.6875f
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0550[3])) {
D_009A0550[3]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_23,
(float)lolo.local_1, (float)lolo.local_2 + 256.0f, 256.f, 176.0f,
lolo.local_3, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0550[4])) {
D_009A0550[4]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_27,
(float)lolo.local_1 + 256.0f, (float)lolo.local_2 + 256.0f, 256.f, 176.0f,
lolo.local_3, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
if(C_0066E272(1, D_009A0550[5])) {
D_009A0550[5]->f_70.asVertex, lolo.local_31,
(float)lolo.local_1 + 256.0f + 256.0f, (float)lolo.local_2 + 256.0f, 64.f, 176.0f,
lolo.local_3, 1.0f,
0x80ffffff, 0xff000000,
lolo.tex_u, lolo.tex_v, lolo.tex_width, lolo.tex_height
void C_004060D1() {
struct {
int local_161;
const char *local_160;
struct t_rsd_74 local_159;
unsigned local_130;
struct t_aa0 *local_129;
char local_128[256];
char local_64[256];
lolo.local_129 = C_00676578();
lolo.local_161 = C_00404D80();//Get "Graphics/Mode" Key
//-- --
//-- open archive--
strcpy(lolo.local_64, C_004076EA());//initpath:...
strcat(lolo.local_64, "cd/disc_us.lgp");
if(C_00675511(lolo.local_64, 0x10) == 0) {//is_lib:open archive?
sprintf(lolo.local_128, "Failed to load: %s\n", lolo.local_64);
//-- --
C_0067453A(0);//rsd:set some flag
C_006745E6(4, &lolo.local_159);//rsd:...
lolo.local_159.f_40.f_04 = 1;
lolo.local_159.f_40.f_08 = 0x10;
lolo.local_159.f_40.f_0c = 0;
lolo.local_159.f_24 = "";//009A0594
if(lolo.local_161 == 2) {//else 00406284
lolo.local_159.f_50 |= 1;
lolo.local_159.f_54.rgba = 0xff141414;
C_00674659(4, &lolo.local_159);//rsd:set struct t_rsd_74::f_20
for(lolo.local_130 = 0; lolo.local_130 < 6; lolo.local_130 ++) {
lolo.local_160 = D_007BA670[lolo.local_130];
D_009A0550[lolo.local_130] = C_006710AC(1, 0xc, &lolo.local_159, lolo.local_160, lolo.local_129->f_910);//dx_sfx:alloc/create?
} else {
lolo.local_159.f_50 |= 1;
lolo.local_159.f_54.rgba = 0xff141414;
C_00674659(4, &lolo.local_159);//rsd:set struct t_rsd_74::f_20
for(lolo.local_130 = 0; lolo.local_130 < 2; lolo.local_130 ++) {
lolo.local_160 = D_007BA688[lolo.local_130];
D_009A0568[lolo.local_130] = C_006710AC(1, 0xc, &lolo.local_159, lolo.local_160, lolo.local_129->f_910);//dx_sfx:alloc/create?
lolo.local_159.f_70 |= 0x4000;
C_00674659(0, &lolo.local_159);//rsd:set struct t_rsd_74::f_20
D_009A0570 = C_006710AC(0, 8, &lolo.local_159, 0, lolo.local_129->f_910);//dx_sfx:alloc/create?
void C_00406367(struct t_aa0 *bp08) {
int local_1;
local_1 = C_00404D80();//Get "Graphics/Mode" Key
D_009A058C = 1;//start fade in
D_009A0584 = 1;//start fade out
D_009A0578 = 0;
D_009A0590 = 0;//fade in alpha
D_007BA668 = 0xff;//fade out alpha
if(local_1 == 0) {
D_009A057C = 0;
D_009A0588 = 0;
D_009A0580 = 0x140;
D_009A0574 = 0xf0;
} else if(local_1 == 1) {
D_009A057C = 0xa0;
D_009A0588 = 0x78;
D_009A0580 = 0x140;
D_009A0574 = 0xf0;
} else {
D_009A057C = 0;
D_009A0588 = 0;
D_009A0580 = 0x280;
D_009A0574 = 0x1e0;
void C_00406436(struct t_aa0 *bp08) {
int local_1;
C_00740D80(0xc1, 0x3c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
for(local_1 = 0; local_1 < 6; local_1 ++)
C_00671082(&(D_009A0550[local_1]));//dx_sfx:release "struct t_dx_sfx_e0 **"
C_00671082(&D_009A0568[0]);//dx_sfx:release "struct t_dx_sfx_e0 **"
C_00671082(&D_009A0568[1]);//dx_sfx:release "struct t_dx_sfx_e0 **"
C_00671082(&D_009A0570);//dx_sfx:release "struct t_dx_sfx_e0 **"
D_00CC0D88.f_01 = 0;
D_00CBF9DC = 0x1b;
D_00CC0D84 = 0x1a;
C_00675F1D(0x10);//is_lib:close archive
void C_004064D7(struct t_aa0 *bp08) {
struct {
struct fBGRA local_13;
int local_9;
int local_8;
struct tMainCallbacks local_7;
lolo.local_9 = C_00404D80();//Get "Graphics/Mode" Key
C_00666DA3(bp08);//calls "instance:reset"
C_00666DC0(bp08);//calls "dx_sfx:reset heaps(1)"
lolo.local_13.r = 0; lolo.local_13.g = 0; lolo.local_13.b = 0; lolo.local_13.a = 1.0f;
C_0066075C(&lolo.local_13, bp08);//G_DRV_20:ClearColor
lolo.local_8 = 0;
C_00660C3A(G_DRV_STATE_02, 0, bp08);//G_DRV_64?
if(C_00660EC0(lolo.local_8, bp08)) {//G_DRV_88:BeginScene
if(lolo.local_9 == 2) {
C_0040560D();//image[gr mode 2]
C_0066E641(D_009A0550[0], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
C_0066E641(D_009A0550[1], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
C_0066E641(D_009A0550[2], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
C_0066E641(D_009A0550[3], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
C_0066E641(D_009A0550[4], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
C_0066E641(D_009A0550[5], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
} else if(lolo.local_9 == 0) {
C_00404F83();//image[gr mode 0]
C_0066E641(D_009A0568[0], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
C_0066E641(D_009A0568[1], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
} else if(lolo.local_9 == 1) {
C_004052C8();//image[gr mode 1]
C_0066E641(D_009A0568[0], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
C_0066E641(D_009A0568[1], bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
//-- manage input --
C_0041A21E(0);//Refresh input driver?
if(C_0041AB74(0xffffffff))//test input mask[trigger]?
D_009A0578 = 1;
//-- --
if(D_009A0578 && D_009A0584) {
//-- fade out --
C_00404E00(D_009A0590);//set picture alpha(fade in/out)?
C_00660E95(1, bp08);//G_DRV_84?change_layer
C_0066E641(D_009A0570, bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
D_009A0590 += 0x33;
if(D_009A0590 > 0xff) {
D_009A0584 = 0;
lolo.local_7.f_08 = C_00408FA6;//MainDispatcher[BEGIN][callback]
lolo.local_7.f_10 = C_004090E6;//MainDispatcher[UPDATE][callback]
lolo.local_7.f_14 = C_00409DF1;//MainDispatcher[ONMOUSE][callback]
lolo.local_7.f_18 = C_00409E39;//MainDispatcher[ONKEY][callback]
lolo.local_7.f_0c = C_004090C7;//MainDispatcher[END][callback]
C_00666CF2(&lolo.local_7, bp08);//set main loop callbacks?
if(D_009A058C) {
//-- fade in --
C_00404E00(D_007BA668);//set picture alpha(fade in/out)?
C_00660E95(1, bp08);//G_DRV_84?change_layer
C_0066E641(D_009A0570, bp08);//dx_spr:render something?
D_007BA668 -= 0x33;
if(D_007BA668 <= 0x33)
D_009A058C = 0;
void C_00406770(int bp08, int bp0c, int _p10, struct t_aa0 *_p14) {
unsigned char local_1;
switch(bp08) {
case WM_CHAR://0x102
local_1 = (unsigned char)bp0c;
switch(local_1) {
case 0x00: break;//0x00 or whatever ...
void C_00406797(int _p08, int _p0c, int _p10, struct t_aa0 *_p14) {
This is one of the simplest system in the program. You can see the three main callbacks, START, UPDATE and END, plus two empty callbacks which are called on keyboard's and mouse's events.
The function C_00404D80 returns the current graphic mode (from Windows'registry);
The three modes available are:
- 0 - 640x480
- 1 - 320x200 centered
- 2 - 320x200
For instance, those strange struct t_dx_sfx_e0 objects, what are they ?
Let's say they hold information about polygons to be rendered. Each object is configured to render one type of polygon (triangle, quad or line, textured or not, shaded or not, ...); this allows the renderer algorithm to batch more easily.
In mode 0 you need six of them to draw a fullscreen image. That is because the maximum size of a texture is 256x256 pixels. So 3 of them are necessary to cover 640 pixels horizontally and 2 to cover 480 pixels vertically; and 3x2 = 6 !
In the other modes, only 2 objects are necessary !
In order to have perform the fade in/out effects, the system renders a semi-transparent polygon on top of the background image and makes its alpha channel varies.
That is what the function C_00660E95 helps us to do: by changing the current rendering target (I wrote layer in the source's comments). Target 0 is solid while target 1 allows for transparent polygons.
This system also uses the archive manager (from the module is_lib.cpp). First by indicating that it wants to associate the index 0x10 to the archive file "cd/disc_us.lgp", and then by getting information on files inside this archive (such as offest, and size) by using their names.
So you see, even for a task as simple as displaying a picture and waiting for some user's interaction, we have a lot of code to go through.
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